New scheme description:
- [x] reactions settings of channel/group
- [x] ui
- [ ] (?) done button is missing in design
- [ ] (?) should I save data when I scroll to the left? — let it be NO
- [x] add Reactions to chat/channel settings
- [x] proper value ("8/11" or "Off")
- [x] toggle reactions settings (ripple animation)
- [x] list of reactions
- [x] RTL support
- [x] sending
and updating cache
- [x] BUG: save in cache reactions in proper order
- [x] showing user reactions in message dropdown
- [x] select reaction popup
- [x] animation of showing (sliding to right)
- [x] right padding of bubble fix (when count of emojis is low)
- [x] list
- [x] TODO: show all reactions including from message (if reaction exists but not in a list of
- [x] BUG: force to show first frame of reaction animation
- [x] gradient on sides
- [x] scaling further emojis
- [x] (?) hover effect
- [x] click
- [x] send reaction
- [x] 🔥🔥🔥 sticker animation
- [x] ⭐: animated dots under list
- [x] TODO: clicking on selected reaction removes it
- [ ] (?) show selected reaction
- [ ] BUG: loading next users can be stuck (could be an issue when reaction bots are used)
- [x] BUG:
- [x] button of opening reactions
- [x] animation of opening list of users
- [x] tab of reactions
- [x] scrolling animation between tabs
- [x] BUG: touch event out of popup causes further scrolling errors
- [x] TODO: filter tabs buttons ripple selector
- [ ] TODO: refresh the list after receiving update
- [x] BUG: do not jump dropdown when need more height
- [x] TODO: top button loading state
- [x] BUG: do not show reactions in action cell
- [x] BUG: width of message scrim popup can be affected by reactions menu
- [ ] that's fine, but it should be smoother
- [x] showing user reactions on messages
- [x] private chats
- [x] 🔥🔥🔥 show tiny reaction
- [x] appearing animation
- [x] BUG: pinned icon breaks layout of tiny icons
- [x] show multiple reactions
- [x] click to remove reaction
- [x] resizing time width correctly
- [ ] disappearing animation
- [x] group/channels
- [x] render chips of reactions
- [x] numbers
- [x] avatars
- [x] inside a message bubble
- [x] TODO: RTL (in
and mediaBackground
- [x] BUG: contact button is lower than should be
- [x] BUG: link could be lower
- [x] BUG: messages with reactions are shown with tongue (but could be grouped)
- [x] BUG: file messages wrong layout
- [x] outside a message bubble
- [x] BUG: sticker can be lower
- [x] BUG: after static image is loaded its not shown
- [x] 🔥🔥🔥 grouped messages mess
- [x] estimating proper width for chips before drawing
- [x] click listener
- [x] getting coordinates of chips
- [ ] BUG: double tap (find reaction coordinates when message is not last in a group)
- [x] double tap only on first message!
- [x] 🔥🔥🔥 TODO: show reactions only of first message in album group
- [x] click on reaction to select
- [x] 🔥🔥🔥 hold reaction to show list of people selected
- [ ] dim everything except a reaction chip
- [x] calculate proper width/height of reactions box to resize message cell
- [x] test reaction badges on opening video message fullscreen
- [x] handle double click to quickly add a reaction (or remove)